News & views

All the latest news and insights from SafeLives

SafeLives are the experts in what works to make victims and children safe from domestic abuse, and keep them safe. If you want authoritative comment on how we all need to work together to end domestic violence, get in touch. Our directors have a wealth of experience of speaking on TV and radio, and at conferences and events, and advising documentary makers and writers.  

Please direct all media and spokesperson enquiries to the Communications Team: Communications@safelives.org.uk

In this section you will find all SafeLives' latest press releases, and you can read our take on the news and new developments in domestic violence in our policy and practice blogs. And we have a comprehensive resource of up-to-date facts and stats on domestic abuse on domestic abuse, as well as the real life stories of victims and children who’ve survived domestic abuse.

Here you can read all our latest statements and announcements.


All our latest press releases.

We are grateful to all the brave survivors who have shared their stories with us, to help others and drive change.

For many people, home is not a place of safety. It’s more important than ever that help continues to be available to adults and children living with abuse.

Our staff and partners write about what’s in the news and what needs to change so that every family lives in safety, without domestic abuse. 

The latest ways to help more families as effectively as possible – a must-read for everyone working directly with victims of domestic violence and their families. 

Impact report 2022-23

What is our SOS: The Sound of Silence project, and why is it important? 

SOS: The Sound of Silence is an authentic voice project working with young people so their voices can influence laws and advice for people working with children on healthy relationships. 

Two women a week die at the hands of their partners or ex-partners, and one in five children experience domestic abuse growing up.

For women experiencing domestic abuse, it can feel like every aspect of their world is controlled - and the online workd is no different. Read our research on the potential opportunities, gaps and risks for technology in the context of domestic abuse. 

Family members and their vulnerabilities interconnect. People do not operate in silos and neither should we. One Front Door is our vision for a transformation of local systems, processes and responses so they start making vital links between the needs of individuals and the families they belong to. 

There are lots of ways you can keep up with our latest research and all the work we're doing to keep families safe.

Every survivor of domestic abuse, and their family, deserves the right response at the right time, to make them safe, sooner. That's why we're developing new interventions and ways of working to improve the response for whole families.